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Cheesy Beans and Pesto Jacket Potatoes (cooked in oven or air fryer) by Jo Harding – Modern Food Stories

Difficulty: Easy

Cooking time: 60

Serves: 3-4



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Step 1 - Preheat the oven or air fryer

Preheat the oven or air fryer to 200c.

Step 2 - Prepare the potatoes

Prick the potatoes with a fork and spray with oil, rub in to cover. Sprinkle with salt and the optional garlic powder and rub again.

Step 3 - Cook the potatoes

If using an air fryer, place the potatoes in the basket and cook for 40-50 minutes until fork tender. Rotate after about 25 minutes so they are golden all over.

If using an oven, place the potatoes on a greaseproof lined baking tray and roast for 15 minutes. Turn down the heat to 170c and cook for 45-60 minutes or until soft inside.

Step 4 - Heat the beans

Heat the beans in a pan until warm.

Step 5 - Assemble your jackets

Make a slit in the top of each cooked potato, squeeze the sides, add the butter and beans and top with grated cheese and Seggiano pesto. Place under the grill for a few minutes to melt the cheese if you prefer.

Step 6 - To serve

Serve with cracked black pepper and some fresh parsley.

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