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Antipasti Parcels

Difficulty: Easy

Cooking time: 30

Serves: 6



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Step 1 - Prepare the pastry

Unroll the pastry sheet and cut into 12 squares, approx. 8x8cm depending on the size of your pastry. It is easiest to do this with a pizza wheel if you have one.

Step 2 - Fill your parcels

Lay a square of pastry in front of you and rotate 90 degress so that you have a diamond shape. Spread a little pesto over the top half of the pastry, leaving a small border around the edge. Top with a tsp of chopped antipasti (don’t be too tempted to overfill at this stage or the parcels will burst in the oven). Add half a slice of goats cheese.

Step 3 - Fold your parcels

Brush the edge of the pastry with egg yolk then fold the bottom corner over to meet the top corner and use a fork to seal the edges. Brush the top with more egg tolk and sprinkle with sesame seeds if using. Transfer to a lined baking tray then repeat with the remaining pastry.

Step 4 - Bake in preheated oven

Bake for 10-12 minutes in a preheated oven at 200c or until the pastry is golden and crisp.

Step 5 - To serve

Best served warm but can be eaten cold.

Step 6 - Tip

These can be made ahead so that you have them on hand for when guests pop over. Make the parcels as above but don’t brush with the egg yolk. They can be stored int he fridge in an airtight container for 2-3 days or frozen for up to a month. If cooking from frozen, reduce the oven temperature to 180c and cook for 18-20 minutes.

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